Thursday, 18 June 2015

New Track: High Elders - Legalize Murder (feat. Traum Mega)

High Elders Legalize Murder

High Elders, 'Legalize Murder' (feat. Traum Mega)

Info: Epic hip-hop and electronic duo Gentle Jones and Auxiliary Phoenix have teamed up with Delaware rapper Traum Mega on new track 'Legalize Murder', a response to the indiscriminate police shootings of civilians in the U.S. of late. Jones sets the scene descriptively before some gloriously enhanced retro computer game sounds come in from Phoenix, both of which are complimented really well by Traum Mega's easy-flowing rhymes. Needless to say given the subject matter the track is pounding and reaches toward anguished spaces before restraining itself from full-blown anarchy, maybe a reason behind that or just coincidental. 'Legalize Murder' is as good as anything on their last album Forest of Pencils which is nice considering it would appear that there is a new High Elders album in the pipeline.

Check out more High Elders music at