Saturday, 26 August 2017

Single: Panoplea - Slow Dance

Panoplea Slow Dance

Panoplea - Slow Dance

Info: Irish duo Panoplea have unveiled their debut single 'Slow Dance'. The ambient ballad, laced with electronic intricacies, is a tonic to the instantaneous demands of the current music-market. 

Speaking about the track, Trîps said: "We have written and performed under different guises, and one thing a number of labels - both major and independent - seem to do is generalise and 'undersell' the listener. More than ever I hear how music has to be instantly gratifying. If an intro is longer than 5 seconds, the listener will supposedly skip. If the chorus fails to come before 50 seconds, 'it isn't for radio'. I feel this mentality hinders and stunts so many writers and creatives. For a number of them, they feel compelled to create within these confines, and yet the majority will fail to break into any mainstream. We didn't write this as an antidote to the music climate though, we wrote it because we enjoyed it. And we're releasing it because we want the listener to share in our search for something more - the best journeys are never straightforward, are they?"

Finding myself in total agreement with Panoplea's statement about their debut single 'Slow Dance', as a listener I am more than willing to submit to both the mood and pace of their first track together. There should be no rules, constructs or fear when it comes to creating art, when you place restrictions on creativity it withers and dies and everyone loses. With 'Slow Dance' you voyage slowly yet steadily through the atmospherics which are on display, star-gazing at sonic clouds which discreetly snake their way around your auditory canal and imagination. It is beautiful and moving, but places no demands on you.

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